Get ready to be blown away by Patagonia’s dramatic mountaintop glaciers, and awe-inspiring landscape. Covering roughly one and a half times the size of the United Kingdom, Patagonia is a sparsely populated region located at the southern end of the Americas. Its west and east coasts face the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, respectively.  From Argentina’s Los Glaciares National Park to Chiles’s Paine National Park and Tierra del Fuego, you will find yourself at the ends of the earth, in the middle of an immense site of pure wilderness, sculpted rock towers (Cordillera), pristine lakes, dense forests, and impressive silences.

As the Victorian traveller Lady Florence Dixie describes in Riding Across Patagonia :

“Nowhere is there an area of 100,000 square miles which you may gallop over, and where, whilst enjoying a healthy, bracing climate, you are safe from the persecutions of fevers, friends… obnoxious animals, telegrams [text messages], letters [emails] and every other nuisance you are elsewhere liable to be exposed to.”

Beautiful Patagonia can be explored through spectacular treks and horseback rides. The horse trails vary greatly from flat dirt to steep and rocky mountains. The trip itself can be challenging, but extremely worth it as it offers a unique encounter with many natural marvels. Varying between 2 hours and 10 days, riding tours in Patagonia will take you to the best lookouts while allowing you to experience the region in a rustic and eco-friendly way. Riding your horse by day and sleeping under a spectacular sky full of bright stars when you set camp at night, your ride across Patagonia will bring you closer to nature than ever. You can book your riding adventure with experienced Chilean and Argentinian companies, such as Wild Women Expeditions, Equitours, Pingo Salvaje, and Espiritu Patagon.